‘N AANWINS VIR MYNDORP Nuut in Lime Acres, maar ‘n kind van die omgewing wat haar sakevernuf op ‘n jong ouderdom by haar ma gekry het wat vir etlike jare ‘n winkel op Postmasburg bedryf het, het Marie Wessels besluit om geboorte te gee aan ‘n jarelange visie – ‘n teetuin in die vorm van... […]Read More
Die volgende leerders van Laerskool Kathu het aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Skole Atletiekkampioenskappe byeenkoms deelgeneem. Dylan Roux het deelgeneem aan die 150m hekkies en die 75m hekkies vir seuns o/12, Kalica Cornelissen het deelgeneem aan die verspring vir dogters o/12. Abigail Coetzer aan die spiesgooi vir dogters o/12 en Justine Green aan die 100m vir Dogters... […]Read More
The second voter registration exercise in the region has been a good barometer to determine whether or not the coming elections will sway the stakes with voluminous numbers. There is a clear indication that people are determined to vote and that apathy is not in their lingo this time around. There are numerous factors in... […]Read More
South32 Hotazel Manganese Mines (HMM) has recently practically completed the newly upgraded pediatric unit at Tshwaragano hospital in Batlharos village, which became operational in December 2023. The pediatric ward was revamped at the investment cost of R12-million and forms part of HMM’s Social and Labour Plan’s three commitments and its contribution to the socio-economic development... […]Read More
Top polisieman beloof geregtigheid vir vermoorde stadspolisiebeamptes
Suid- Afrikaans Polisiediens nasionale kommissaris-generaal Fannie Masemola het belowe dat die polisie onvermoeid sal werk om ‘n waterdigte saak te bewerkstellig teen die verdagte wat na bewering Dinsdagoggend twee lede van die Kimberley Flying Squad doodgeskiet het. Die oorlede polisiebeamptes, die 35-jarige konstabel Okaetse Mandindi en die 45-jarige sersant Kedimetse Masilo, was besig om ‘n... […]Read More
The past two weeks the DA’s Shadow Minister of Basic Education, Baxolile Nodada, Shadow Deputy Minister of Basic Education, Marina van Zyl, provincial DA spokespersons and local DA councillors did oversight at various schools that still rely on pit toilets in the provinces. The #EndSchoolPitToilets campaign started in the Eastern Cape where learners and staff... […]Read More
Everybody has dreams, but many times our faith is smaller and fear is bigger than the things we set our minds to. Elizabeth Alison Neels, a life-affirming businesswoman and singer, well known as Meitjie teaches us that no matter how small the world is that one comes from, our imagination can create a much bigger... […]Read More
On the 26th of June, the netball World Cup trophy found its way to Postmasburg in the Northern Cape. The Vitality Netball World Cup 2023 Trophy Tour continues around South Africa ahead of the big event in Cape Town from 28th July. The Netball World Cup 2023 is taking place in Cape Town, South Africa... […]Read More
The Democratic Alliance in Witzenberg is delighted to welcome 25 new members from GOOD to the party today. Over the past number of months, the DA welcomed in droves new and old members who have put their hands up to join our party because they believe in the DA’s vision for South Africa. It is... […]Read More
For too long the Northern Cape has been deprived of music of this stature, and for far too long have talented musicians in the province been overlooked with opportunities. The first-ever Northern Cape Symphony Orchestra (NCSO), only a few months old, is firmly set to change this. Apart from being an ensemble that brings together... […]Read More